Spring Time is on its way Published July 24, 2008 By Mr. Johnny Saylor 181st Wing Family Program Coordinator HULMAN FIELD, TERRE HAUTE, Indiana -- The 181st Family Readiness Group would like to congratulate our new board members. Elections were held in December and our new board has been selected. Dodie Halter is president, Dana Stephens is vice president, Tim Gray is secretary and Mike Snodgrass takes over as treasurer. If you see them around the base tell them congratulations. They will serve in their position for a two-year term. We would like to send a big "Thank You" to our outgoing officers. Gloria, Jack, and Kelley, thanks for your service to the family members of the 181st. You have made great contributions to our Wing and helped the 181st FRG be recognized as one of the best support teams around. We know that you will be here to help out in our future endeavors. Again, thank you for your service. The Kids AT applications are on the State Family Programs Web site or you can stop by the Family Readiness Office to pick one up. The dates are July 6 - 12 at Camp Atterbury. Applications must be sent in with the fees no later than April 1. Junior and Adult Counselor applications are also required by April 1. Adult Counselors are required to submit fingerprint cards with their application. More adult volunteers are needed this year because of the major deployment of Army Guard Personnel. If you ever thought of helping out, this would be a great year to assist. The 181st FRG will again offer a Camp Scholarship to Wing children attending, half of the application fee will be returned after camp has been completed. We have a lot of our troops returning from their deployments but still have some rotating into the theater. Additionally, a lot of our members are off to their new technical schools. If you live near any of our family members stop by and see how things are going. Let them know that we are thinking about them and if they need anything, they can get in touch with our office. We wish you all a safe Spring. Remember to ease into getting all those outside jobs started. Come and see what our new board has planned for this year. We meet on Saturday morning of drill in the Wing Headquarters Building at 10 AM.