Civil Air Patrol finds a new home

  • Published
  • By Captain Rene a. Foli, Aerospace Education Officer
  • 1st Lt. Jamie Halbert, Public Affairs Officer
The Terre Haute Senior Squadron of the Indiana Wing Civil Air Patrol has moved its search and rescue operations to the Indiana Air National Guard base located at Hulman
International Airport. This is the home of the 181st Intelligence Wing. The Civil Air Patrol is an auxiliary of the United States Air Force. We have three main objectives: Search and Rescue, Cadet training in CAP procedures and responsibilities, and Aero Space Education. The Terre Haute Squadron is one of eight airborne units consisting of C182 and C172 aircraft, strategically located throughout Indiana. 

The Terre Haute Senior Squadron is a flying unit consisting of approximately 25 pilots and observers who are on call 24/7 for any type of emergency mission. The most common mission we are called upon to perform is one of Search and Rescue. Downed aircraft are the main targets. However, we have also been tasked to fly storm and flood damage assessment missions. Typically, damage assessment missions require our aircrews to provide realtime digital photographs of specific target area to our customer, which could be Homeland Security, the National Weather Service, or the U.S. Air Force working through the Civil Air Patrol National Operations Center, located at Maxwell AFB, in Alabama. 

The Terre Haute Senior Squadron is always interested in obtaining new members; our squadron meets on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Our squadron commander, Lt. Col. Thomas Pickett can be reached at 812- 533-1101. 

Our squadron would like to thank Col. Hauser, the Air National Guard base commander, for his initiative in allowing the Civil Air Patrol to share the ANG facilities.