Hulman Field, Ind. -- The National Guard Association of Indiana has been helping Indiana Guardsmen for years and now Col. Jeff Hauser, commander, 181st Intelligence Wing has been nominated and voted in as the new president of NGAI. With this comes the responsibility of increasing membership all across the state.
"Many guard members don't realize what the NGAI has done for them," Hauser explained. "The reasons why traditional guardsmen get paid for four days of work during every drill weekend, the G.I. Bill, and several other major benefits have come directly from the NGAI."
NGAI is the state organization that promotes legislation to aid the National Guard at the federal and state level. It promotes welfare and efficiency to the National Guard of the State of Indiana.
"It's our voice on Capital Hill for state issues," said TSgt Kim Wade, who works in Finance for the 181st and serves as the second vice president of NGAI. Low cost life insurance is available via NGAI. If death occurs it pays within 24-48 hours, much quicker than Veteran's Group Life Insurance or Servicemembers Group Life Insurance. The more members the state and national organizations have, the louder the voice is on Capital Hill, especially for Tricare and Montgomery GI bill issues."
The NGAI promotes readiness of units through construction of facilities, increased manning and modernization of equipment for the state.
Hauser explained that while Indiana ranks fifth among all states in total number of guard members, the actual NGAI membership ranks number 45. Getting members involved in the organization is Hauser's goal.
The 181st commander became the organization's president recently when he was nominated for the presidential vote. As a senior air officer, the NGAI board of directors felt that Hauser was a perfect fit for the job and he was elected as the new president.
Wade also explained how NGAI benefits all Airmen and everyone at the 181st should get involved with the organization. She feels that Indiana Guard members will see some great improvements having Hauser as the new president.
"I believe you will see many changes to this organization through the leadership of Col. Hauser," Wade mentioned. "I believe members of the 181st Intelligence Wing and Indiana National Guard will see more information sent out as to what the organization has accomplished and how they are working for guard members."
Being involved with NGAI should be a priority for all Guard members throughout the state and Hauser is going to push for more members and boost the organization's operational capacity.
"We will have a major membership drive in the near future," Hauser said. "We recommend everyone on base and in the state to get involved. There are so many excellent benefits to having a strong membership in NGAI."