181st IW members return from Operation Enduring Freedom Published Oct. 11, 2012 By Major Ryan Harvey 113th Air Support Operations Squadron Hulman Field, Ind. -- The Indiana Air National Guard's 181st Intelligence Wing, Terre Haute, Ind., recently welcomed home three members from a deployment to Multi-National Base Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan. Lt. Col. Charles Iracondo, Master Sgt. Damon Girton and Airman 1st Class Austin Rowlands, members of the 181st Intelligence Wing's 113th Air Support Operation Squadron, returned from a rotation in the Australian lead province of Uruzgan, Afghanistan. Uruzgan is located in the south-central part of Afghanistan and is currently in transition back to Afghan control. The three airmen serve in the Tactical Air Control Party career field and during their unique deployment they worked alongside coalition partners in handing control of the province back to the local government and people. The coalition of U.S., Australian, Slovakian and Singaporean troops are continuing to train and educate Afghan forces to enable progression towards security and self-governance. TACP members were instrumental in providing terminal control of close air support and Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance assets employed across the province in support of on-going operations. During this deployment, 181st IW TACPs assigned to the 113th ASOS were aligned with an Indiana Army National Guard Infantry Brigade Combat Team for the first time. This home-grown relationship between the 113th ASOS and the 76st IBCT was taken to a new level when an Indiana IBCT ground commander approved actions conducted by an Indiana Joint Terminal Attack Controller in support of combat operations, another first for the Indiana Air National Guard. Members of the 113th ASOS and the 76st IBCT look forward to a continued relationship that puts the outstanding work of our Indiana National Guard front and center. Welcome home Lt. Col. Iracondo, Master Sgt Girton and Airman 1st Class Rowlands!